Fitness Testing Tool

Project based task customised for the client

Next Projects

Generate a fitness testing tool for comparative analysis and for semester reporting.

Our Task: Using the Australian Fitness Testing standards for schools we were tasked to adapt a tool for the Physical Education teachers to record and generate graph and scores for inclusion into school reports in addition to archiving.

Christ Church Grammar School is an independent Anglican day and boarding school for boys from Pre-Primary to Year 12. Located in Perth, Western Australia.

The school is a member of the Public Schools’ Association (PSA).

  • Demonstrating pedagogy
  • Video conferencing
  • Each one-teach-one
  • Rapidshare
  • Flipped classroom modelling
  • Team teaching
[us_testimonial author=”Brendan Noble” company=”Assistant to the Director of Sport, Christ Church Grammar School”]“Being able to measure, record and analyse pupil fitness data in order to provide meaningful feedback to pupils in an easy to interpret way has been a challenge for many school Physical Education departments. With the help of Next Learning, we were able to work together to map out a design to facilitate the recording of pupil data, analyse individual results, archive storage of historical data and display pupil achievement in a seamlessly aesthetic design. Next Learning took this model and created exactly that. Data input is simple and uncluttered. Analysis of results occurs at the push of a button. These results are displayed on a personalised certificate that each pupil can take home and keep. Data can be archived and stored for future comparisons giving the power to look at the longitudinal effectiveness of our teaching programmes. To be able to encapsulate the many requirements that were initially identified into one simple and effective tool is invaluable. It will free time for staff, empower pupils with specific knowledge on areas of strength and weakness, how their fitness has progressed over their schooling and how they compare against their peers. Next Learning have been outstanding and I would thoroughly recommend them as a point of contact for all educational based computing solutions.”[/us_testimonial]
Mandurah Baptist Primary School
Kalgoorlie Cluster