Shane McGurk


Shane has over 30 years of experience in diverse educational contexts nationally and internationally. In recent years, he has worked as a Professional Learning Consultant with such groups as XciteLogic and Datacom, bringing a combination of passion, communication skills and expertise in the use of technology to produce exceptional learning outcomes. His team orientation and capacity-building focus works to nurture and engage all stakeholders, delivering real benefits to the most important stakeholders – students.

Previously, Shane gave sterling service to Christ Church Grammar School (Perth, Australia) as Mentor Teacher (10 years), E-Learning Coordinator, Director of the Residential Community and Head of Physical Education. He also worked at St Edward’s College (Liverpool, United Kingdom), Camberwell Grammar School (Melbourne, Australia) and Armadale Senior High School (Perth, Australia). While seconded to the University of Western Australia (Perth, Australia), Shane worked with the Development Unit for Instructional Technology (DUIT) to produce content and design advice for educational software.

  • Team Leadership
  • Professional Learning Strategy
  • Instructional Design
  • Presentations
  • Community Engagement

Blog posts by Shane McGurk

Some tweets by Shane McGurk
