Rossmoyne Primary School

In situ Professional Learning where pedagogy drives technology

NextPL Workshop

“Apple Everyone Can Create” Workshop for Rossmoyne Primary School Students

Our Task: Conduct Next PL professional learning face to face “Apple Everyone Can Create” workshop for the students of Rossmoyne Primary School. It aimed to help students learn new techniques for creating and expressing ideas using videos, photos, music, and drawings on iPads. Next Learning’s consultants used a variety of engaging and meaningful ways to spark creativity with any class at any age level, ranging from simple introductory exercises to skill-building project guides.

A Pre-Primary through Year Six Independent Public School, Rossmoyne Primary School collaborates closely with the neighbouring Rossmoyne Community Kindergarten. “To encourage lifelong learners who strive for personal achievement and community engagement” is the school’s mission statement. Together, we empower global citizens as their mission statement, and integrity, respect, courage, and belonging are our school’s core values. Their students participate in a wide-ranging and well-balanced curriculum, including lessons from physical education, Chinese, and music specialists.



· In-situ PL Training
· Collaborative Learning
· fundamental skills and techniques of video, photography, music and drawing
· implementing Native Apple Apps available on any iPad
· 30 Creative Activities for Kids as a quick entry to the types of skills developed within the project guides.
· Build creative expression into lessons
· Covering specific content related to the current curriculum
· Covering General Capabilities

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Leeming Primary School