Paul Houghton

Digital Strategist

After running the applied research group KT Studio for 10 years in the WA government, Paul has undertaken a range of projects to extend that work across a number of industries and at the heart of those projects was both learning and storytelling. At a strategic level projects in the UAE, with the WA government in regional development and in community development – the role of stories became a key factor with the use of technology an enabler. This then became a key factor in developing a number of ebooks e.g. archeology with UWA, aboriginal health with ECU and in all cases the media was shot by Paul as well.
Building on this experience led to professional learning workshops with PEAC teachers and other projects to help teachers share knowledge and learn from each other in innovative ways. Design Thinking forms a major thread in this work and underpins work with schools, universities and other organisations as a context for technology is developed with clients.

Paul has formed a capability network to undertake many different projects for a wide range of clients and can draw on many talented individuals to bring their best to these projects. KT Studio worked this was and now that network has been extended and applied to current projects. As a speaker, Paul has presented at the Apple Europe Education conference, at MIT and numerous Australian conferences related to the work of KT Studio. Experience as a CIO, Policy Analyst and manager in government is drawn upon in current projects as is the development of new skills in video production, writing and ebook production.

  • Strategy and policy development
  • Research, Analysis and Modelling
  • Systems Design
  • Story development and publishing
  • Digital resource planning and design
  • Project Management
  • Workshops and presentations

Paul Houghton’s professional network
